Canadian Rabbit Hopping Club

Alana & Kokomo!

Alana & Kokomo at 4-H on Parade 2009 I came to the Greenng family in mid May 2009. My previous mommy was just getting married in 2 weeks and then going on a month long honeymoon & then expecting a baby in a couple months. She felt bad thinking she wouldn't be able to spend as much time with me as she normally did, so she phoned Rosemarie & asked if she knew of anyone who could give me a good home.

I spent a couple hours at the Greening's until I went to another home where I stayed for 2 weeks & things didn't work out there. I was grumpy & not being very nice to my new family. So they brought me back to the Greening's where I then met Alana again, Rosemarie's daughter. She seemed sweet & enjoyed petting me & spending time with me. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to stay with Alana though because her family already had 7 other bunnies & space was limited. But then I over heard Alana ask her mommy very sweetly if she could keep me. Her mom told her she was afraid to ask dad as dad always puts up a fight, but for anyone who knows him, he eventually gives in. I mean how could he not, we are so adorable & with our big bright eyes, he can't resist us.

Kokomo Alana's mom & dad said we could give it a trial run & see if Alana & I get along well together. I am so excited & now I am new member of the Canadian Rabbit Hopping Club. I hope Alana & I do well together & I can stay with her.