Canadian Rabbit Hopping Club

Contact Us!

If you wish to contact us, please e-mail us at

We are always looking for new opportunities to demonstrate this fun sport. If you would like to contact us about attending a function or event, please feel free to contact us!

Some things to consider when booking us:

- Venue: We can perform indoors or outdoors, keeping in mind warm or hot temperatures will restrict what the rabbits can do. (Rabbits don't do well in the heat!) If performing outdoors, shade must be provided.
Outdoor events are weather permitting. We do not perform in the rain or on wet ground for the health & safety of the rabbits.

- Space: The ideal space for our set up would be a 30 X 40 foot space. This allows us space for the course set up as well as where to keep the rabbits between events. (We can go smaller, but it limits what we can do.)

- Surface: Solid floors are preferred as we provide out own mats for the safety of the rabbits. We can perform on grass as long as it has NOT been treated with any chemicals, however it's not preferred. We do not perform on surfaces such as shavings, dirt, gravel, or other such surfaces that could irritate the rabbits feet.

- Performance Times: We can do a demonstration minimum 30 minutes to all day. All day events consist of our various events, time trials, side by side elimination race, high jump, long jump & other various events.